Learn Motor Mechanics in Kuwait

Learn Motor Mechanics in Kuwait

Today cars play an essential part of our daily lives, spending quite a bit of time in the day.

with the exception of traveling and traveling so far. It is therefore necessary for an individual to learn auto mechanics to know how to behave in any emergency situation. In this article we will discuss in detail the basic parts of the mechanics of motor mechanics.

Learn Auto Mechanics

There is a rule that says (learn something about everything, and learn everything about something) and from this rule it is imperative for the individual to have the backgrounds and even simple about everything so that he can act in any position placed in it.

Therefore, he must identify with himself the goal of learning for the vehicles and what are his goals, does he want to learn them as a general knowledge to include his experiences, or that he always travel by car and spend most of his time and from here he must learn mechanics of cars.

The Basics of Learning Automotive Mechanics

There are some basics that any driver needs to know, including:

Know the identification of damaged parts in the car, until it is working to repair

Distinguish the sounds from which you exit and find out the place until the place of holidays is determined

Change some parts that are easy to change such as frames and more

Working in the field of automotive mechanics

If you want to work in the field of automotive mechanics, you can join private institutes that provide you with all the resources that make you an expert in the field and you can work in.

These specialized institutes give you a training certificate at the end of the course that enables you to work as well. You may need to be an expert in the field from two to five years to become an expert with all the details that will enable you to work.

Places to teach automotive mechanics

There are many places around the world that hold courses to teach automotive mechanics, including specialized schools, including places that are included in their training programs, such as Wejdan Car Driving Company in Kuwait, one of the places that teach the mechanics of cars and provide courses in driving education and provide all the information and courses that need the driver.

Wejdan Car Driving Company in Kuwait, the best certified driving instructors from all nationalities, private and public driving instruction, driving instruction with normal lime and automatic lime.

We help you to obtain driving license in record time, over 40 years’ experience in A fleet of 40 coaches and 40 modern cars in the service of our customers, a team of coaches to teach women of all nationalities, Arab and Indian coaches as chosen by customers, education on passing the traffic tests, education in the classroom The car in professional and easy ways, teaching to deal with emergencies, accidents and light failures and ways to solve them quickly

How to keep the car

How to keep the car

How to keep the car

The invention of cars is one of the things that contributed to the development of life greatly, making it easier and shortened roads and distances, so to keep this invention from damage or exposure to anything that harms and that can prolong the life, it is necessary for you as a car owner is to know how to preserve it and ways Clean them and take care of them. In this article, we will learn how to keep the car

How to keep your car

There are some behaviors that, when followed and adhered to, you will maintain your car and prolong the age of these behaviors:

Keep your car clean

Keeping the car a good thing for the individual has become the car today reflects part of your image, cleaning of your cleanliness and knowledge of your personality. Working on her constant cleanliness and care makes you feel comfortable and cheerful while driving.

Check the car periodically

The inspection of the car periodically to save a lot of time and effort in the event of any failure, where it is quickly detected and work to solve things that save you a lot, and it protects you from the supply of large problems may be exposed in case you miss to lose the explosion of the wheels, and the occurrence Infusion in the cylinders for engine oil.

Be calm when driving:

Driving quietly protects you from being exposed to many of the mistakes you are likely to make, such as falling into a hole. It also makes you slow movement when bumps, and caution must be taken and the commitment of slow driving when you walk on the ground is not paved where calmness will keep your safety and safety of the car from any damage that may be inflicted.

Attention to hear the sound of the car:

If you hear any strange sound like a click in the engine, wheels, or any other sound, it is a sign that there is a malfunction in the car and you need to rush to the technician to find out why and fix it.

Attention to the presence of smoke from the car

If you notice any unusual smoke out, this is a sign of failure and you need to go to the technician.

Adhering to sound traffic

Do not push the throttle completely and suddenly this may cause damage to the vehicle

Also, do not switch from the status of stop to the path suddenly,

Do not brake the brakes very abruptly and only when necessary

Try to make a safety distance between you and the car in front of you and press the brakes gradually, all of which may damage the engine and brakes.

Learn Motor Mechanics in Kuwait

How To Become a Professional Driver

How to become a professional driver


Driving is something that needs more skills and concentration. Any mistakes that cause damage and kill others. The industry of a professional driver is not one of the easy operations that many people achieve. Leadership is one of the arts that everyone cannot master because of the specifications you need. Special capabilities. So after learning the basics of leadership comes the role to know more and more about the secrets of leadership to move you from the world of amateur to the professional world, so, in this article we will know the specifications of the professional driver and what steps you can do it.

The most important rules that a driver must pay attention to:

There are some rules on the driver of the car to pay attention to them:

Not to compete with the strongest, not to go out of the line,

Keep calm, many of the actions of people in cars drive the person to anger, but the good driver avoids it not to close the road from other cars, the road belongs to everyone so he must not be blocked from others,

It is better for the driver to park his cars in a good way and to help others if their vehicles are disabled

Basic rules for learning to drive

There are some basic rules for learning to drive and when a professional becomes a driver:

Identify the entire car parts

Pressing the accelerator when you want to move the car

When he wants to stop, he changes the spare parts of the car and then removes his foot from the accelerator pedal to put it on the brake pedal.

Tips for a Professional Driver

wejdan Car Driving Company in Kuwait offers some of the tips that make you in the ranks of professional drivers including:

Be patient and courageous

Self-control and non-rush and recklessness

Avoid high speeds

Full knowledge of the rules of traffic signs and adherence to traffic ethics and rules

Handle corners carefully

Focus on the road and not respond to distraction or preoccupation with distractions such as using the phone, or talking with others who are with you by car

The consequences of adhering to the principles of leadership

One of the greatest consequences of the driver’s knowledge of driving rules and mastery is to avoid the frequent road accidents that have become so many nowadays.

If you are looking for a professional driving experience, here is the Wejdan Driving School in Kuwait.

Accredited Driving Education Places in Kuwait:

Wejdan Car Driving Company in Kuwait, the best certified driving instructors from all nationalities, private and public driving instruction, driving instruction with normal lime and automatic lime. We help you to obtain driving license in record time, over 40 years’ experience in A fleet of 40 coaches and 40 modern cars in the service of our customers, a team of coaches to teach women of all nationalities, Arab and Indian coaches as chosen by customers, education on passing the traffic tests, education in the classroom The car in professional and easy ways, teaching to deal with emergencies, accidents and light failures and ways to solve them quickly.



Traffic safety and security guidelines in Kuwait

Driving instruction in Kuwait

Driving instruction in Kuwait

Driving instruction for beginners

Learning the principles of driving a car is the second step after learning the traffic safety and security guidelines that we mentioned in our previous article. Driving a car is easy to learn, but it is necessary to use a trainer with knowledge, awareness , and familiarity with the fundamentals and rules of driving, and it is not only limited to information and knowledge in view but must be practical training. In this article, we will learn about the most important principles of driving a car.

Pre-learning steps and operation of the vehicle:

  • Before starting to learn driving and identify the components of the vehicle and the mechanism of work of each component must be available in the trainee those specifications:
  • Ensure the safety of the car, by checking the car by looking for a few seconds to make sure that the car is ready to do its job to the fullest.
  • The Calmness of nerves and lack of tension; in the sense that dealing with the leadership as any basic material in our lives, such as eating and drinking, it is important to focus and caution without tension
  • Prepare the car that will be trained and identify the parts.
  • Check the correct seating position so that it is comfortable and that the driver’s movement with the steering wheel, transmission, and pedals is smooth.
  • Check the position of the internal mirror and side mirrors for driving assistance. And control the vision of other cars and road and pedestrians.

Car control devices

The vehicle consists of several basic controllers such as:

1 – Car control devices in the foot are three pedals, from the right (pedal), in the middle (brake), on the left (throttle pedal).

  1. Hand-held controls, steering wheel, transmission, and handbrake.

Steps to operate the vehicle

The handbrake is released

Press the throttle pedal firmly, and the transmission is placed in the first position

The car is powered by the key

After the operation, the throttle pedal and fuel pedal are pressed

Lift the foot on the throttle pedal gradually while keeping the pressure on the throttle,

The car will start moving, and attention must be paid to speed especially for beginners

How to stop the car when needed

The brake pedal is pressed continuously until the engine’s sound fades

The driver must place the switch in the middle and stop

In the event of a sudden stop at the helm, the brake pedal will be pressed quickly and the driver will release it if the driver does not stop changing the direction of the wheel after releasing the brake.

If you learn the basics and fundamentals of driving, you will be able to get a driving license in a record time, and you will be able to get a driver’s license in a record time. More than 40 years of experience in driving education, modern car fleet for learning and driving, a fleet of 40 trainers and 40 modern cars in the service of our customers, a team of trainers to teach women of all nationalities, Arab and Indian trainers as chosen by clients, Traffic tests, education on the car in professional and easy ways, education on dealing in emergencies, accidents and light failures and ways to solve them quickly.


Driving education for women

Traffic safety and security guidelines in Kuwait

Traffic safety and security guidelines

There is no doubt that following the traffic safety and safety guidelines of the behaviors to be learned for any individual to ensure his safety and the safety of others risks of accidents. As well as ignorance of these rules and guidance leads to the frequent accidents and exhaustion of many of the spirit. There is a set of general guidance on traffic safety and safety agreed upon, which is a necessary follow-up to know. In this article, we will explain what these guidelines are.

General traffic security and safety guidelines:

1 – Reduce speed while driving

Excessive speed during driving is one of the leading causes of accidents. How many souls of the departed and children orphaned by them, and homes that lost their relatives because of excessive speeds and recklessness while driving. So make sure to reduce your speed and walk quietly and system.

  1. Periodic maintenance of the vehicle

Regular maintenance of the vehicle and checking it constantly for any defect or malfunction of the safest behaviors and peace for you first Dear driver and then to those around you. So be sure to the safety of your car from any faults and check them constantly, especially the lights of the car front and rear. It does not cost you much to save lives that can be lost as a result of negligence.

3 – Respect for traffic lights and knowledge of the guidelines because it is the language of communication

The three colors, red, yellow and green play an important role in the passage of cars and the organization of traffic, red means stopping and allowing pedestrians or cars of the other side to pass, and yellow: indicates the willingness of cars to move, and green: refers to give permission to cars to cross. Respect for and follow the rules of each color means protection against exposure to violations and protection from the flow of blood and parts.

4 – taking the right path when standing (cornering)

Take the right path while standing up from the most behaviors that the driver must pay attention to so as not to disable traffic and disable others from movement.

5 – Focus on driving and avoid dispersion tools and attention

Driving concentration is one of the most important behaviors a driver must take into account. He must be vigilant, avoid distractions such as talking in the phone, talking to someone next to him or messing around with things in the car while driving.

  1. Select a track from the beginning

Determining the location of the traffic since the beginning of the start of the car provides you with a lot of time and also makes you go straight to the destination you are going to avoid the roads in vain and congestion.

7 – Fasten the seat belt, and bypass the slopes and turns in a safe and safe manner

8 – Work to make way for the ambulance

And finally, cooperation with the men of traffic guide to progress and urbanization because they do not work for them but just keep our lives.


Driving education for women

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